A while ago a student from Bodø which is now studying Mediadesign at "Høgskolen i Gjøvik" contacted me. She was working on a project where she was to redesign a newspaper. She had chosen Avisa Nordland (AN) for her project and since there was a story about Engmark Fotografi AS recently, she wanted to redesign that as a part of her new design.
I just supplied pictures, everyting else is done by Majken Falch Jonassen. And what a job she did! The whole newspaper is so stylish and clean, and for me this edition is just a joy to the eye compared to the one that you find in the newsstand. Also I myself as a interview object is so much more pleased on how I was presented with her selection of pictures.
Avisa Nordland should really take a peak at this project and concider making some changes. And I must say I wish all the best for Majken; she did a great job and she will certainly land a job within design after she completes her studies.
By the way - that is just a matter of days from now! If you want to get in contact with Majken to hire her, you can reach her on her email majkenfj@gmail.com
Also here portofolio: http://issuu.com/majkenfj/docs/majken_portfolio_issuu2