After my return from UK my Saab 900 on English plates was just sitting there and I needed the money. The sensible thing to do when you are asking about 300 quid (3000 NOK) is to snap some shots with your phone, and just place a quick ad. Again; not if you are Raymond Engmark.
First of all, I wanted to try to light a car properly, and to edit commercial style once again (this being a used car for sale, I could not retouch it, only adjust light and so on). Second of all, I strongly beleive that there is always someone who will remember you for your worst picture - so keep even your worst pictures good.
I washed the car good since I could not retouch it, and I took a quick drive to find a decent location, and after a while I found a nice spot with good texture and tonality that would work with the car. Most of my equiptment was back in the town, so I did this shot with a Canon 580 EXII (on camera flash), transmitters and a 15 year old plastic tripod that barely can hold my camera (shivers like hell).
The picture is made up from 12 different flash settings, making the "RAW" file 1,7 GB before I started to edit. I have not received my new iMac yet, so all this was done with the cheapest Dell Laptop you could buy 4,5 years ago. I spent about 3 hours shooting an preparing, and roughly 8 hours editing.
It must have worked, because just a couple of days after the car was gone for 300 quid. But then again, 300 quid for 11 hours of work in this business woun't even pay for the batteries in the camera. But hey, the shoot came out pretty nice, I could renew my skills and if this is my worst picture - it's pretty good.
This blog will have more updates in the future, but the fact is that I am working my ass off these days just to get started with my company. But I will try to get something in here at least once a week even now. Here it is more easy to publish things rather than to evaluate if it should go into my portofolio on my webpage or not.
Fun fact? I am working my ass off, but still it does not feel like a job. I guess it's ment to be.