Monday, July 16, 2012

First job : Trygg Luft AS

When you are trying to start a new business it is important to have both good friends and a network that beleives in what you do. Luckly I got both in my friend Aleksander Jakobsen who also just started a new business in Bodø called Trygg Luft AS (English: Safe Air). I wish to thank him for giving me the first assingment to get started in a "new" place.

Trygg Luft deals with the air most people breathe most day; the air inside your house. There are big advantages for both your health (specially asthma and allergy) but also preventing fungus and other humidity problems inside your house. After living in London, it is very easy to understand why you would need it.

The company have been installing a system on a building site in Bodø which benefits everyone in so many ways. It saves space, keeps dust and humidity to a minimum and keeps the whole building warm. When you have a construction site efficiency is important, and they wanted some pictures to show how little their system intrudes with the activity inside the building.

Aleksander first tried to take his own pictures of the installation while rushing between important meetings, and much like driving your car with only your feet; just because you can doesn't make it a good solution. Most of my lecturers have a rule - make every effort to make your next picture your best one yet. You might not acheive it, but it is a matter of professional pride.

I spent a total of 13 hours on nine pictures in total. It was about one hour of driving, just below two hours of planning and shooting, and ten hours processing the images in photoshop. I am sure that Aleksander would have been pleased with just a quick process, so we agreed up front that he would only pay for three hours of work.

I think that is a good system that we both benefited from. He gets better pictures than he paid for, and I get to push myself and know that I milked the last drop out of those pictures. It's all about professional pride.

Nowadays marketing is more important then ever, and it is really about finding that small leveredge that will make you stand out in the crowd. It's about getting your customer to pause at your webpage or ad instead of the one of your competitor. Below you can see the before pictures taken by Aleksander, and below there is the after pictures taken by myself.

If these were ads, which one would you pause at?

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