Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Commercial job :: Elvrum Transport (Trondheim)

It's been weeks since I updated the blog, and that is because there has been a lot of work, both with the new gallery but also shooting different commercial jobs - most of them rather big.

But finally I get to show of some new work! This job was shot in the last days of August and in the first days of September. In total this was about 200-300 hours of work. I took about four days just to shoot because I needed to wait for the light that I wanted, and because the locations were far away. One of the locations was 1000 km away, the truck was shot 700 km away from the office.

The backdrop is "Dovrefjell" between Oslo and Trondheim, and the city in the horizont is Trondheim. Elvrum Transport is a lifeline for Trondheim, constant supplying the city with their 30+ trucks.  "Dovrefjell" mountain is what separates Trondheim from the capital of Oslo and in the winter it has very harsh driving conditions, but you can always depend on Elvrum Transport.

Before photoshop:

Raw files:

Behind the scenes - Photoshop video

Behind the scenes: Waiting for the correct light, hating the moskitos (had to run back and forward to the camera for every shot to avvoid a "black cloud" in front of the lens)

Behind the scenes: Shooting from the back of a truck to get the correct perspective

Behind the scenes: When you need to get the light 5 meters up in the air, you need to think creative

Behind the scenes: Shooting Trondheim from the hills outside the city

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